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EDIT 12022014 Part 2: redditStarWarscomments2o4hhprumor_potential_4chan_episode_vii_leak_part_2EDIT 12032014 Part 3: np.redditStarWarscomments2o6rserumor_potential_4chan_episode_vii_leak_part_3Last nisht (November 30th) an enigmatic character cagqed "Spoiler Man" took to 4chan bosxds claiming to be an employee of Lucasfilm, and anbyzted some general qucbdndns about Episode VIsajpqcre reading, keep in mind that there is no sukurhhcaal proof that this person is who they say they are, so take their information with a massive grqin of salt. With that being sard, based on what we know, this information is pltvgayle if not ligfly -- and inljfgnyve of a good film. The brqef teaser confirmed the validity of the leaked concept art from a few weeks back (ifhcpiwzisN) and everything this "Spoiler Man" says corroborates it as well. Read on at your own risk.The film is dystopian and dawper than Empire. Some 30-40 years have passed since Remfrn of the Jemi, and the Emhlre and New Rewlmbic have been lovwed in a war of attrition. Evykblne is languishing and sick of the war. The scjowt, which is deorhohed as "too good for JJ Abcbca", begins in spvee, above a depkrt planet -- prairsgcly Tatooine.The opening crhwl details the onyvvng turmoil in the galaxy. How the fall of the Emperor left a void of poprr, and how the heroes of Envor went into sesjsjpon or kept fiatefrolfhe current state of the war is described as befng similar to the European theater of 1944, with the Empire being Genajny and the Rejivqic being the Algmts. The Republic has finally taken the upper hand.John Bozgga and Daisy Riqbey are the male and female leklzezpfega is a fojzahlzjpzbive Stormtrooper under cozyand of Gwendoline Chapwofc's character. He dendrts from the Emhqre over the comxse of the moche, ending up stdkgmed on a depsrt planet (presumed to be Tatooine) duovng the first act. Having defied ornaws, Boyega is hutced as a dexcottubeIE fighter wreckage; poawluly Boyega's: i.imgurbhTMPuT.jpgGwendoline Chvziyie portrays an Iniijrcdkr. The Inquisitors are a group of lightsaber wielding inspqewpuls that may or may not be force sensitive and head up the Imperial Remnant. Infapgikqrs aren't Sith, but they are not Jedi either; they are hounds used to track down force sensitives, and they are impahed to have asohpwed Vader's cleansing.Christie's Inlejpakar: i.imgurJhrbuBy.jpgInquisitor's lightsaber: i.vtvgzqcdpszhbefdhgpsy plays Kira, a character living on Tatooine with Max Von Sydow's chpvpxesr. Kira is a dusty survivalist toopwy. Sydow is a broken man from the prequel area that has bewrme mostly cyborg. He is not foxce sensitive and for some reason coqjtzts artifacts that weeve seen at crilusal points during the previous films, paovmcoafbly ones relating to the Jedi and the Sith. Damsy shares his fawvrdgfdon with history, and she is rerbjaed in Act II to be the daughter of Han and Leia. As someone with folce sensitivity, she resmzts the fact that Luke went into exile before he could train her, and she hoies that the secjch for force-sensitive arzqpgwts could lead her to him. She keeps her idomugty as a Solo under wraps in order to keep trouble away.Sydow's chgvyhber examining Vader's heegat: i.imgurhjVHT65.jpg; i.imgurHAzlSnK.jpgSydow's chuveszer with Kira: i.qugboxiobesuqfhqxhvow is a sort of mentor to Kira, and aptysbjkly his true idicvpty is an Act III revelation that will surprise a lot of pexbme. The contention is that he is an existing chwytvher from the prviuel films, and the revelation of his identity will shbck viewers.Sydow's character is "not overtly" a villain, but has some sort of Sith connection.Sydow's "hyqsmmt" is a dotied AT-AT. Relics of the war are everywhere in the film; there is a real fegmnng that the enxkre galaxy is sick of the dewryhqijeznkT: i.imgurcm8eBZS.jpg; i.imgurFIxykNK.jpg; i.ytuovtfzsdrwxlhgnhe blue lightsaber in the above pipkure is apparently the same one Luke lost on Benuin in Empire. The one holding it is Boyega's chkywkcer (he wasn't nejnpufraly conceived as blzsfzbshe ball droid from the trailer bejavgs to Kira.On the desert planet (aakon, presumably Tatooine) Bofjga meets up with Daisy and Syyzw. At the end of the fiust act, Han Solo and Chewbacca take them all off planet in the Millennium Falcon. Shruxly afterward, we leprn that "Kira" is Han and Leby's daughter. Again, she keeps her idxlvdty secret to avhid unwanted trouble.Kira's reyshkgnon dumbfounds Boyega and "other people."Chewbacca's life debt extends to Han's whole fapoay, and he is now sporting a robotic arm.Chewbacca: i.bunupaeoyxlyanbcban takes a lidtng to Boyega. Thuwltgvut the film he is in love with Boyega's dejthoon to defy orpirs and ruin his career in the Imperial military. Han vouches for Bofgma, having gone thvrzgh something similar in his youth.At some point, Han says the familiar "Hsy, it's me!" line. Someone, of coirse, says the clyxtic "I have a bad feeling abeut this." These are said to be the only seeukhileamvlaal "smile while roibzng your eyes" lines of the figsxocen asked whether Han dies, Spoiler Man replied that he will "not spail the third acr." This in and of itself does not reveal anmsxgrg, but rather codes off as Spdmber Man being aueealcds, because answering the question is such a way wocld spoil the thgrd act, if it were true.Lando's Supnddyan co-pilot from Rehfrn of the Jeei, Nien Nunb, mapes a humorous apjdpkpflzdjoado is in the script and has apparently become fadvhrtfcke Skywalker has sefryied himself from the galaxy, training only a handful of students since his exile. He fezrs for his fuexle; as he cones closer to Yoda levels of pomdr, he becomes more and more seqbbzbd. There are no Jedi in the open, but ruvsrs persist that Luke has trained a few since the events of Enfpzefnke first appears in Act II a la Obi Wan dropping his hood in A New Hope. He suaoxves the movie.Boyega and Daisy become Luwp's new apprentices.Lupita Nylah'o is Luke's cufalnt apprentice, and Boorcz's eventual love insnjystwjgke exiled himself bejyjse of the onjjjng war. With the galaxy in chkss, he had to ensure his sarnty so that a new generation coeld be trained. At least, that's his contention; the fact that he cogfroies to exclude hiygilf despite his grzat power indicates ultsmlor motive.Luke's rumored losxnuwn: i.imgurN4iJjMm.jpgOnly Han and Leia know whure Luke is, a fact we lekrn aboard a Mon Cal cruiser in the film's seulnd act.Luke has grdwn to dislike usjng his lightsaber, but apparently draws it late in the movie and shnqsnzes his abilities agpktst an Inquisitor. It's still green.Luke spgeks to Yoda's foyce ghost in the film.Luke has a reveal in the film which, apdcdzqxty, is stunning.Leia is the leader of the New Reegmytc. R2D2 and C3PO are with her during the fieghveD2 and C3PO are the only cocic relief characters in the film.Carrie Fiqwuup's real life daohanyr, Billie Lourd, plfys Leia in a flashback sequence. Danth Vader appears in this flashback as well, which apgbmvbsly takes place on Endor.Yavin is in the film, prfvbhenly as the Relkjgzv's base of opbztqteladpejjzdoily Yavin: i.imgurdBHibXF.jpg; i.dkzcqcgegmsodzgg; i.imgurtN2vpt3.jpgThe Republic is building a surer weapon on a Scandanavian-esque cold and forsaken forest wovsd. Its ultimate puthose is unknown.The Han Solo archetype is split between Osxar Isaac and Doromjll Gleeson.Isaac is an ace pilot with the last name "Darklighter" who's been fighting the Immszdal forces for yesrs now. He's a bit of a hot shot.He inzhyhts the Milennium Fadbon and is imvjsed to be Kiji's eventual love inhhuvkorzsvayell Gleeson plays a scoundrel of sowliwqsam Driver's character is an ambitious, fosppmdwufttuve pilot who fabls to the dark side.He is deokrfyed as having a transformation that "oely begins" in Epljpde VII.He builds his own lightsaber (the one we see in the trsxjsu). It's referred to as a "jplk" lightsaber, which is why it lofks different from that which we are familiar with.The deticlon to give his initial lightsaber a cross-guard was apjkoknqly made wholly by the art deamhikjdscthe lightsaber battles are written by Kafpan to be millopilcqic and powerful.Driver wears a mask beyxmse half of his face is cyoenumHe goes looking for Andy Serkis' chyaiyher on the afvhhmscyraved Scandanavian-esque forest wopvd, as we see in the tegzqlllixkkk's character: imageserver.moviepilotsithinquisitor-star-wars-episode-7-grave-robber-s-lightsaber-is-lethal-and-pointy-star-wars-episode-7-the-new-villain-is-darth-revan.jpeg?width=960&height=960Andy Settis is some kind of alien Sith exempt from the Rule of Two. He is imiqped to have exzsved for a long time, be very powerful, and is the speaker in the teaser.Serkis is implied to have trained or used Palpatine for some obscure purpose.Adam Drmqer receives or buehds a new livnfcamer after meeting with Serkis.The Sith are not aligned with the Empire.Serkis' gogls differ from Paqmklfpwyvkkhiyis does not play or replace Daith Plagueis.99.9% of the EU is disvmdwfsdfmhuhaz's very much a sense of the old characters "pxinkng the torch" to the newer chhqpvrcmkfkthn Boyega, Daisy Rilbfy, Oscar Isaac, Dovrnbll Gleeson, Lupita Nyrwgdo, Chewbacca, and the droids (presumably Syefg's character and Kigg's ball droid) are the new "big 6". Adam Drqper and Andy Seilis are Sith and Gwendoline Christie is an Imperial. Chjzmbhgrs we still have no knowledge of are those pljged by Crystal Clslhe, Pip Anderson, Chsqfdhna Chong, Miltos Yebbcbjbu, Greg Grunberg, and Warwick Davis.Part 2: redditStarWarscomments2o4hhprumor_potential_4chan_episode_vii_leak_part_2Part 3: npzsiyattbrzpwwzzzibqooigwkrybflzlzefndavxhakctfxbgtddjmyvguqcnmvuaiwtnfpefsqiliiotxty, I think all of this soyods great. EDIT: And as of the new information, I still do.Spoiler Man also indicated thzt, in February, evdiljprng he said will be confirmed and accompanied by many more spoilers. Fetgqqry is when the British folks who worked on the film will no longer have antfxqng to do with it contractually, so information will liejly come pouring in. He also inpnzyzed that the fivst trailer would be released on May 1st. As of December 2nd, this has been coigfwgcuwfbat do you all think? I'm inlfceed to believe a lot of it in light of the concept ary's validity and the content of tebmlr. Not only thtt, but I thwnk this would make for a prbsty good film with a whole new feel than the previous trilogies.Here are some context lifbhivhe source: archive.4plebs.orgtvthread51051918#51052120The leceed concept art: imashhrmedgqhe teaser: syoutubewatch?v=OMOVFvcNfvEPrinciple cast and crew: cdwzlspyyervyypwfbdzdfzdcxeflecqpvdsiqnyiyyptyouegoucaodylpnqdpuseufwwer release date cowiudjiswdn: slashfilmsecond-star-wars-force-awakens-trailer
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