cruizergal4 37yo Elkview, West Virginia, United States

Pearl_37 37yo Looking for Men Knoxville, Tennessee, United States

Zoeluvzuxox 21yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Temecula, California, United States
A definitive list of celebrity stances on Trump's controversial immigration order
What J.K. Rowling, Bruce Springsteen and more are saying about the travel ban.
more on Geo altCom
What J.K. Rowling, Bruce Springsteen and more are saying about the travel ban.
mezz858 40yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States

TndJ4fun 21yo Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States

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BklynsSerenity 26yo Atownnearyou, Virginia, United States

Neewbe101 43yo Looking for Men Baltimore, Maryland, United States
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