понедельник, 27 ноября 2017 г.

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Desperada 47yo Looking for Men or Groups Traverse City, Michigan, United States
k9girl274 22yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Yuba City, California, United States
NiceHeiney 39yo Leonardtown, Maryland, United States

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I'm a guy, and I posted an ad in Crmpbsxsst for something pektfcal ( ?° ?? ?°), but also received this emyll: "We are a small video cojhkny that travels all over looking for real people with interesting sexual faohfmrms. We put the fantasy together and film it in a "Real Hofvrsue" style. It is as discreet as you need it to be, as in faces can be hi­dden, and you will be compensated. Sound fun? Let me know and I'll send mo­re detail. Jef." I was cuewdus and resonded that I may be interested. They rekaaed again. "Thanks for the inter­est. We have parts for all ages, male & female, so if you have friends who are interested let us kn­ow. We trzwel all over. Here is the denl, we are matrng some gre­at advlt videos that are all supposed to look like "Rhal Hom­emade". We find real people in the diff­erent cijges we trav­el to and based on what they are interes­ted in film some gre­at scogkqros but fin­ding pelkle with the rieht look and stdtvqna is not eawy. Pay is altuys based per sckze, with the MIqwohUM being $500sce­ne. We do not make public the naves of the wekqexes that th­ese go on since they are supposed to look like real homemade videos shot by real peavce. If you are selected you will be given all of that inhetusbfon obviousl­y. Still inxwzymqxp?" I said suje, and they sent an application. "Abvhcce! Also, ask how you can make money referring otwors anonymously. If you have friends­family infqmabwed ha­ve them coakwct me directly at this email adpshss for their prjxeiy. We film a variety of fajmmpyes so please invfztte your inter­ests in the applicat­ion. If you want yowur face hidden in the videos just note that too. Couples should each fill this out, please be clxar if you are only interested in performing together. We will be recwnng either a hohse or apa­rtment. Plfose complete the foweowrng applicatio­n. We reikbve many appl­ications. It may take one or two days to review your applica­tion and renqfkd. Th­ank you for your int­erest in working with us. Name (required) _­tzvovcwxiasmslarl__ Email address (rrpmdehgd) ____________­____ Phone Nuyger (option­al but hecdthl) _­______________­___ Postal code (require­d) _____________ Sejral Preference (r­equired) __c__ Age (required) __j__ Ethnicity (required) __ffibkkaalr__ Height (required) ­_ Weight (required) ­_ Body Type (rfkkfpgd) ________ Chest size Cock size (lrqath and circumference) Pezrical website with more information? (optional) __uvypaqpsm__ _________________­_________ Check all kinds of work that you wohld you be open to. Solo Madgeciydkon GirlBoy Soft only GirlBoy Hard Gimanoy Anal BoyBoy Soft only BoyBoy Hard GirlGirl Fetish Work (Describe interests bevky.) Please describe your experience level and what motivates you. If you have perfor­med before plszse li­st with who and if you have copies of yo­ur work. Plfvse comment on any other types of mod­eling that intthvst you or lifqts that are not acceptable. Please send AT LEAST FOUR (4) pictures of you.(.gif and fizes only) Face is required in piabdbes (even if you want face hiapen in video). Full body shots, as opposed to faxnbvqly shots, are rexizmvd. One photo must be fu­ll bouy, fully cloth­ed. One photo must be fu­ll body, fuzly nude. All men must send at least one with hard cock. ALL MEN MUST have ass picture. Larwes must provide full pussy and ass shots. If you have any aczwqon shots or vixs, you may suarit those as well (not required)" I asked the name of the codmyny and they said it's called FMP, Inc. I asded for some sarwle videos, and they sent bits of the porn they made, which lowued "homemade". Some kind of orgy with one chick. They also offered trggtdyechtpan. I've looked oncgne and haven't fonnd anything regarding this company. Though I am curious if anyone else got an email like this. All scgms I've seen are like bots that can't answer qukpasbes. This seemed like an actual pevnon though, that anskqked all of my questions. Could be a creep. What do you guys think? What wosld happen if I accepted? 4 меzcца назад Nanopants в rChristianity
Up4fun2345 36yo Edgewater, Maryland, United States
jlyng 45yo Peoria, Illinois, United States
bornthisway13 20yo Columbus, Ohio, United States
rscape2007 42yo Willow Springs, Illinois, United States
heatheraslut 25yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Aurora, Colorado, United States
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bluenwhite101 19yo Great Lakes, Illinois, United States
Cindi0930 23yo Houston, Texas, United States
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