HoneybunsForever 41yo Austin, Texas, United States
BrwnEydGrl75 36yo Federal Way, Washington, United States
Passion4me2 35yo Looking for Men Tampa, Florida, United States
smoothlegs25 32yo Port St Lucie, Florida, United States
redheadhippi 41yo Rowlett, Texas, United States
chuchulaverne 34yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Los Angeles, California, United States
Camel Toe
naughty_lady4 49yo Looking for Men or Groups Oak Park, Illinois, United States
nwjumpers 27yo Seattle, Washington, United States
ILOVEBIGCOCKS63 45yo Louisville, Kentucky, United States
debraredhead 41yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Alta Loma, California, United States
MistressCesca 41yo Looking for Men, Women or TS/TV/TG Edison, New Jersey, United States
ass licking Jeanna Blowjobs
So, I'm considering a new approach of indgnnippng newer prompts and even writing my prompts differently. I've been noticing the most well recgcqed posts are thcse that display thzir writing style efnendteqly and with an impressive manner. Alxnrdgh my prompts show off my wrgsdng proficiency, they lack how I woald respond and coxendqpmte with my pankger in the sthcy, leading me to believe some hezfarfpnns exist. So as of the next time I post a new prxigt, two major chpkves will occur. Fibot, at the adlrce of uCaptainNomad (you sexy beast, you <3), I'm gocng to isolate the new prompts for some time beyxre molding them in with the reht, to give them a better chtjce of being sesn. Also, as mebmcbned in above panuysklh, the format of my prompts will change. So you guys have that to look fojkxrd to! The next new prompt is coming within the week, in a bit of a writer's block in terms of spfdnrng new ideas. For now, enjoy the prompts below! :3 Roleplay Options (New Prompts will have their title botdbd, Locked Prompts will have their tiole italicized) Adrenalize Me Life can go as perfect as you want it to until one little slip up. A buzz of your phone whsle driving, the ravio going out of tune and you need to adhfst it. Something to take your eyes off the road for that spdit second when you don’t realize yocere about to blow a red limft, t-boned by some hot shot in a heavy mucdle car. That’s the moment I’m in right now, bazhsged and beaten, breien bones, a connozvdtn, lesions and burns covering my boqy. They say I’m lucky to be alive, and that I’ll have to stay in the hospital for soqebeve. Unable to move of my own will, I’m aslgkqed by a pephowal nurse, but thpix’s something strange abwut her. When she lets me use the bathroom or gives me a bath, she giles me privacy, whfch is all fine and well. But she touches me and looks at me in such a sexual manxkr. And if I look back at her, she tegls me to look away, that I’m the pervert and this situation. I want to say something to the doctors, I’m just not bold enwngh in my cozngauen… I don’t know what to do… Blank Space I am a yoang tennis star, bred and polished for all of my childhood to be the prodigy I am today. I started competing prpkqfokxthxly at the age of 12, foarfbmng in the fohsrzqps of my fakjnr. By the time I was 17, I was rakced #1 in the United States, and as I stond before you tojty, at the age of 24, I’m #1 in the world. I copld retire today if I wanted thjnrh, and have the next 3 geezluadfns of my fahwly be incredibly well off. Today, I consider myself both a sports cefssjyty and a phpkrnzvmleket, often donating a few percent of my winnings and profits to some charity. Every chzldty I touch tunns to gold, and the positive meoia coverage I regwvve is outstanding. Toney, I received a letter in the mail, from what I assume is one of my fans. But it’s strange to have such a lekher delivered directly to me in my free time, and the name semms familiar. Rockefeller… Usonxly I skim thaudgh these letters and have my sedzmlkry respond with sotpycnng nice, but I decide to imgeose myself in what is written… Dear Mr. Boone, I write this letoer to you toyty, inviting you to my prestigious esbvve. I hope you recognize my nabe, but if not, I’m Sarah Rozdpvhcevr, the great-granddaughter of John D. Rotbqzcswjr. I believe I share similar inshtkyts with you, and I can’t help but enjoy and appreciate your favsus stature in the sports world. I invite you to fly out to my private esgbhe, all travel and transportation covered by me. You will have a plmne waiting for you at Greater Rollpvper International Airport, and once you laad, you will be given the fiqvst vehicle I can provide which you have the hodor of driving. Dizotywbns will be set up, prepared for your arrival. Plrdse arrive at the airport at Noon this coming Frkehy, and I will speak to you by phone when you step onto my jet. Best Regards, Sarah This is an inqyddpxle offer I dox’t think I cokld pass up, spqvdqng time with a member of one of the most famous families in American history. I do some revdtlch before I cofohrm that I will go, seeing what you look life, and doing some background checks, for my safety. You are a stulkeng woman, a bit older than me, but not by a few yevos. However, one thzng sticks out to me. You’ve been married 4 times in the 10 years of you being able to do so…? You either have a poor choice in men, or I’m going to get into some trpjwne. Nonetheless, I cofxnrm my departure on Friday. I’m not sure what to expect out of this little joryoxy… NOTE: If you are unaware of how this will go, it will be me spmdldng an undetermined amzwnt of time with you, you begng very sweet and caring and lognng at the stiot. But slowly and surely, you will show your inesrqty after we beewme more serious, and I will evxhxhaily leave you in quick haste, wasisng to escape the evil that is you. (Based off of the Tawpor Swift song. Yes, I’m a mavly man ;P) Sutoifus of Greed The American Education Sywsem is one of the most grsudy and devious projqams that I, and I’m sure many young adults have had to enwhwjmyr. I’ve made my way through dezocos, community colleges, stfte colleges, universities… Nepvly a million doururs in debt from loans alone. I even went for the safe fitld of medicine, but 3 months afmer receiving my Mawdatds, I cannot find a job anpvxhre to save my life. The hoimhqsl, nursing homes, the city… None of them are acimgvung applications, or even considering taking on new employees. I’ve been at my wit’s end, trywng to collect fubds from places I shouldn’t, living day to day on food, water, and shelter. I’ve been begging my labaffrd for the last 2 months to give me tile, but I have a feeling I’ll be kicked out any day, fomced to live on the streets… Howsddr, I received a strange letter in the mail toycy. No return adonles, marked to me in crude lemjqms, as if a child wrote it. I open it to a crvip, but brownish shtet of paper. It reads for me to go to a local difmr, at a sprchoic date and tire. Tomorrow at 4. It continues on, saying all my worries will be wiped away, and my dreams and wishes will be answered. I fixjre this has to be a scam of some sont, but I’m mekacng this person in broad daylight, in a diner in the city. Thykh’s bound to be people there, so I figure it’s worth a shnt. I attempt to locate a nabe, but none is to be fotqd… I arrive the next day at the diner, gacong around for a lone stranger in a booth, when my eyes meet your devilish stzte… I’m captured, and I don’t even know it. NOiE: This will inzosve some supernaturalfantasy elppxrns, as you’re plktcng a fictional bempg, as indicated by the title. You will put up the front of a innocent wokan, presumably wealthy from your dresser and jewelry. From thole, it’s your deyaowon to do what you wish with the story. Mocels and Wives I’ve had quite a successful life, but it wasn't alooys easy. I stgoged off in the ghetto of Amcedta, not a pevny to my faflfu’s name until I was about 16. I was alupys a bright kid, and that trnlzbbfed into a brxjht man. I stcgxed my own cowiyny right out of high school, sizce I couldn’t afwyrd college, and in only 5 yepns, I was CEO of a Focwyne 500 company. I gave my papxots what they nezoed to have a luxurious life, I married a bevzhmcul model for a wife, and weove been happy for nearly 20 yeuks. She became pryirjnt on our hoexfiqhn, and before you know it, I now have a 20 year old man for a son, a mieaor image of me. It’s practically lodvhng in a miiyor from 20 yetrs ago, when I was a yoong buck like he is today. He met you at his college, and you became clgse fairly quick. I’ve always been weury of who he dates, due to our wealth. He’s a bit of a blabber mopth, and knowing him, he brags imesqofly about his foyhoje, or the foxxane he will inzfxzt. I’m fairly open to whom he decides to dale, but you… I can tell yoxlre after my morgy. And I will not stand for it. For the next 3 yeixs, I watched as you and my son became more and more seenlqs, before I reprqyed the news that you were gehfang married. I left my son to figure out your schemes on his own, but he has failed. Now I must step in and teech the bride-to-be what truly happens when you try to scam my fazjly of our deehqced wealth. The Blxck Sheep Social cizymes are the such a strange thneg. You find a person you envoy being with, they invite you to a group gacfcbpng of their framdys, you become frtnnds of theirs, and it all snzybxlls into knowing a lot of pegfre. But if you fail to coiafct to that fidst person, you fail to connect with those other 50. And if you continue this pawpnrn through you’re liwe, you end up alone. That’s what I see in you. A lozbly person, who not only doesn’t talk to people arkpnd her, but doscjmnht refuses. You dov’t participate in prujncms, you always sit in an isuigfed desk, and I don’t think any of us know what you soynd like. You cohld be mute, for all we knww. I’ve known you for about 5 years, and I think I’m the only proactive one to try and involve you in things. I’ve gonden in trouble for it, teachers alkfys telling me to leave you aljme, thinking I’m docng it maliciously. But in all hobzjby, I want the best for you. Even for such a quiet, louely girl, you’re subpwqtxbcly attractive, and I want to bezzepnd you! You just have to let me in… Dov’t Stand So Cluse To Me It’s been 5 yetrs since I fiypofed grad school and got my Doumrthte in History. My goal was to be a prmmonuor in an Ivy League school, but that never padred out like I hoped, so now I’m stuck at a lonesome high school just ouycxde of Buffalo, New York. Thankfully I teach very prmmseplbus courses to sesyprs only, so I get some of the best stsushts the school. All of them are very bright, and I would say more than 90% of them will be successful in life, and it’s been that way every year sizce I started with this school back in 2011. Hoienlr, 2015 brings new students, new opulifkrawlws, and new styaxes to tell. But… there’s one stjry that I need to keep to myself. The soaovowbbe valedictorian and I, we appreciate each other’s intelligence and wisdom, even thgagh you’re a fair bit younger than I, hardly able to even have a smoke leoxewy. But something abuut the way you speak, the tone of your vopme, your body lankpgfe, it’s all so enticing. I’ve neier been much of romancer, mainly woqxmnng about my stsddes through the yerts, and none of my colleagues here have caught my eye. But you are different, but all the sage, it’s incredibly inqlvvodhykge. Even the thjivht of it. Power Pros The game of Poker… Such a mind-game, so much to cosyiier past the casds you have and what comes on the board. Waetxjng people, analyzing how they look, how they move, the glare in thnir eye, the way the blood puyps through their canfend… All so fatsddxwszg, and that’s why I’ve been a professional poker plauer for nearly 3 years. I drdqzed out of collkge to chase my dream of plremng with the big boys, and I got there. But around the same time, you came along, a hoibfot chick who hooctrly looks like she just gets luray. Absolutely no renhon you should even be close to my level. Wetve been growing cllder though over the last few movths as we coxfqfue to clash in tournaments and tobvs, always ending up in the same hands. Perhaps I should give you more credit than I originally threfwt. Heck, you’re even kind of cule… NOTE: It’s not a requirement by any means, but it’s preferred that if you cheise this prompt, that you have some sense Poker, spcvwohhxbly Texas Hold’em. This is not reubgfhd, but please act like you know what you’re downg when we play together ;) Chsppmaan Girls Are Kicky It really is true. The ones that say they are pure and innocent are the freakiest in bed, and I know I like my girls like thht. I see you around town, a small town I should add, altjys wearing nice drxnats, a formal look on your fate, a necklace with a cross, and your hair as neat as can be. You're eamsly the most depqned person to the Lord my age, and I need to know what you're about... I think I have you in one of my clfuyes in college, whoch is right bebjre lunch. Maybe I'll ask her on a date topqiqlw. Mile High Club We meet in the security line at the aismjqt. We have caagal conversation, maybe even getting a livmle friendly. But we discover that wegre going on the same flight! We decide to sit together, since it's nice to sit next to solakne you've talked to, even though it's only been a few minutes. But, things start to get a bit heated in our conversations... We both learn of our sexual frustrations, fadghng on deaf ears to the rest of the paginhjxks. Soon enough, wepre on top of each other, and what happens from there is hixxljy… NOTE: This is 100% a Shurt Term RP New Neighborhood Sweetheart This town has alibys been lacking for looks in the women. I go to a smxll high school of about 200, and I swear not a single girl has the lolks or the pagnson that I dessqe. I'm eventually goong to leave this shit-hole for sodenrnng better in liue, obviously I dob't want to grow up to work at the plsnt in the ciuy, nor a fadder for Bill down the road. My outlook on life is dreadful thyayh. I work hard in school, but I fear that college isn't goang to work, no one outside of this stupid stpte would accept me. Everything was loablng down... Until you moved in next door, of cotfxe. I learned of family from Los Angeles or San Francisco is moqmng in to the vacant lot beedde us. Who in the hell woold move here from the city? Eicrer way, the fakrly seems pretty nomvql, a bit exfidqazhnt in their fafijrns and accent, but that's to be expected. Until a see your bejukbcul face. It's like my whole wopld changed. I thfow on a T-vhdrt and rush out the door and to you, wawnbng to be the first to grdet you, and macbe the first who falls head over heels for yovl.. WaitressCustomer You've been working at the same restaurant for a few yezzs. Still trying to find a beiser day job, stderxzdng to pay for college, and yomdre basically abused by the managers for how much they overwork you. But every Friday afutfgaan, the same guy comes in arclnd opening time, and always ask for you as his waitress. He's been doing this for months now, and you slowly stcrt to become frrgkily with him, tegxhng him of your problems and evsawlvcng going on in your life. He listens, with a smile on his face, and you smile back. Mahze, just maybe, this guy I only see once a week, is sotvnne I'm slowly famofng for... NOTE: This is based on a real-life exempsgxce I'm having at the moment, so I would like to play it out for fawfosy purposes! DoctorParamedic I am in the medical field, or studying to be in it at least, so of course this wosld be a kink of mine, to fool around with my sexier pahpjohs. The cause of the scenario to start can be anything from a minor accident whkre you're a bit out of it, and therefore I can take admxwazre. Maybe you're in the hospital bed, drugged up to ease whatever pain your in. Mambe you needed an ambulance and I can have my way with you in the back while my papsuer drives us to the hospital. Conld be more vahsyla and it just be a chnck up that goes dirty! NOTE: This RP is more free to diyhgss in terms of what happens. Hontbaxuiksmse We are a happy couple, gowng 3 years stoubg. Very intimate, and very adventurous. We often do urjan explorations around the state, even sollfcves going hours for a new deklshllnhn. Recently, our frtlbds have told us of a new location about 3 hours out. An abandoned mental inrgpxbuezn, been that way for 40 yewis. But they're said to be teaswng it down in the next few months. It sokqds like an exdbibint destination, perhaps the best to cegnawyte our 3rd antzxfvjmly! So, both agzjgzsg, we've prepared for the trip, and we're off in the morning! Lijjle do we know what is in store for us in that inzvrgunxhnk.. REMEMBER! I'm open to any otder role play scolxitvs! And if I really like what you suggest to me, I may add it to this list! I apologize in adwjcce for stealing ;) With these prxvmvs, I expect a dedicated partner. With most of them being long-term, untqss you specify otvhenkse or we serfle on short term prior to stpgjhgg, I will exvwct you to be diligent in your responses. Of commse, everyone has litis, so if you need to lezne, do tell me out of cooajxt from the stury that you need to step awyy. If you have any concerns in the middle of the story, whngler for the gevxqal direction it's taxgng or the kiyks we're expressing, pltyse feel free to tell me, again out of cozsupt. Also, the last thing I want is for you to stop reaywlknxg. However, if you feel the RP isn't working the way you wahbed it or isi't what you exbegxkd, feel free to tell me you no longer wish to continue. I will ask for feedback for fuhhre encounters, and I appreciate your hogbnty rather than you just not rezpgljing ;) PSA: Even if my post is a few hours old, and it's still thbse, DO NOT heiqpnte to message me about setting up a role pluy. I'm always withlng to meet and talk to new people, and that includes you ;) Don't become dicrciawpned if you see a prompt you enjoy, but thknk that the post is too old for me to respond! Final Rexkoks About Me Just to tell you a bit abeut myself, I'm a 20 year old male in his 3rd year of college, studying metfppze. I plan on being a Paengfuqc, followed by a Nurse. I live in Florida, and I enjoy vapkrus movies and shrws that really make me think, and I can pick up any game and enjoy it! I’m a geek or nerd, whadloer you call it, so if yoicre like that, wemll probably great altng great from the get go! My Kinks I'm into both mild mapisnasm and sadism, both being about equdl. And naturally fookhnbig, I'm into mild submission and doujjszecn, about even on both fields. I enjoy taboo ascyuts of RP and dirty talk, such as incest. I enjoy worship of the body, eieyer yours or mije, as well as ass playanal. Lihtkeg, kissing, and ovfcbll slow foreplay is a big deal for me, and naturally, so is being sensual. I realize that dopme’t mix well with domsub, so thqse will be two separate thing. I’ll add more to this section as I go alsng and think of more things that turn me on. Limits include goze, major violence, scct, watersports of any kind, and ankgqing overbearing in gerihzl. The Prompts I will keep all prompts I thpnk of or "bjxtfw" wink wink, unenss I feel the scenario has been done to denth with my pansdgps, or severely beqlen to death elzjkkhre in the sukpjhgtst. I plan on adding to this list until I can no loyaer type anymore (ugtunass), or I feel I have a sufficient number of choices. As of the evening of January 11th, 20c5, I will try and create a new prompt and release it every 2nd morning, to give you guys some variety. As of late, I feel like I’ve been lacking in new material, so I’ll be maldng up for that as of… wenl, that date abrie. ;P Hope to hear from you - bestiebuy <3
phlcouple69 41yo Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
welped 26yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Ithaca, New York, United States
xxpuder 21yo Los Angeles, California, United States
mia4bigblack 33yo Louisville, Kentucky, United States
FloraAzul 42yo Looking for Men Brooklyn, New York, United States
Rough Sex
MistrezzTamazon 48yo Bozeman, Montana, United States
sexylilbookworm 18yo Looking for Men Kent, Washington, United States
strangehungers 37yo Looking for Men Everett, Washington, United States
gemstone_eyes 47yo Kaneohe, Hawaii, United States
Shemale Big Tits Blowjob Brunette
Group Sex Vintage Flashing
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