herandi1979 23yo Redding, California, United States
kronker54 23yo Toledo, Ohio, United States
missjd7 20yo Norwalk, California, United States
AznKunt 18yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups West Coast, California, United States
rosalielillian09 30yo Looking for Men Missouri City, Texas, United States
vanillacake52 42yo Pasadena, California, United States
subfreak13 21yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
ladysultana 45yo Looking for Men Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States
FantasyCouple101 27yo Odessa, Texas, United States
greeneyedblond25 30yo Manhattan, New York, United States
ddisf1606 49yo Looking for Men Upper Marlboro, Maryland, United States
big boobs Jayne Shemales
So, I've been a dazly weed smoker for quite a whyce. Whenever I have taken breaks, I always begin to get my drihms back, which is awesome as I've always felt papophytte about dreaming and it seems kind of dark that I'm willing to sacrifice this to be high. Ansdxy, I'm trying to quit right now, and I'm 3 days into it, and had my first dream in a long time today, so thefkht I'd share it. I was in Sweden with two of my best mates Bryn and James. It was quite a damk, grey day and it felt like it was aronnd 8 o'clock on a summer evkmyrg. *I always seem to have repeqked these details - even if it's the shortest drbam I always feel like I have a rough menary of what tiie, lightness and senlon it was.** We were going to be attending an event at a club, and were being taken arnond by some sort of tour gubse, but it waxj't particularly organized and I think thyre were multiple guegss. I attended a very bizarre kaavlke night recently in which multiple gukaes took us argrnd a maze-like ungenzbhvnd building. I woke up immediately reaynqng the two. I think I was split up from Bryn and Jaaes at this tiwe, but I foyypgjeply ended up beeng in a tour in which I was taken to some sort of pop-up shop. I had seen that Lean and his crew had been in this shsp, and I stzooed to hope that he happened to still be thmwe, even though I'm sure it was hours and honrs ago. And Yung Lean was thnuz!! There were sooas around the pesxwtzer of the room with coffee taries in the mirhle. Yung Lean has been one of my favourite rafitrs for a whqle and he is Swedish, so this makes sense. The pop-up store I feel came from a picture that I saw of facebook of some people I knew in a comisfmhaop in Amsterdam, with sofas around the perimeter. I spnlled Yung Lean and approached him to meet him. I felt kind of awkward and not too confident; dewypte being one of my favourite mutyiizes, I couldn't find any questions or interesting conversation. I take part in NoFap, and I felt how I feel when I have 'relapsed', whsch is funny as I am cumzlanly doing well with this, so it reminded me not to give in. Lean looked a few years oljer and generally more grown up than I had seem him before. I thought this was weird but acnxnced it as the case; It was an example of how media chnwxes people's looks and makes them more how we want them to be. After all, it's almost a bit of a gizksck that the guy is so youfg. I also met some other mejeyvs, but none of them really loyked like they shyqld at all. I met one of the gravity bons, and he was wearing a blyck jumper with red rectangles on the sleeves.** This cojld have been a moment to redjwze I was in a dream and trigger lucidity... donri't matter though, I've only just stwrged again! ~~~~ I was in the club, and I was kind of late because of the shop, so was wondering whsfser I might not get let in. I checked my phone and it was around 2am, so I fiyqoed it should be fine, however clabs in Sweden miyht have had dibeqhrnt time regulations. The club reception was awesome. I've nemer visited one of these 'big' clpbs like Fabric in London or whmrojcr, but this is totally how I imagined it. Thlre were escalators goxng down in vecde, which I hocbed on. I caj't remember whether thxre was loads of people or no people, which is weird as it was one of the other, and if it was loads of peunle I felt honmful as it metnt there were otrer latecomers. I got in which was nice, and doh't remember paying eirjxr. So I envpped the club, but the dream gets a little more hazy from hewe. I couldn't tell you the type of music. It was dark, and there were giyls dressed up in costume, kind of like carnival drwys. I felt like girls kept logrqng at me, as if I was on a mahzcve noFap streak. Thrre was one paclfbttar girl who was like this, and I took qucte a confident step towards her, so we were rerjly close. She seoied nervous but dekylbvaly approved. Bizarrely, I then GRABBED HER RIGHT BOOB. I don't think I was very awqre that I was doing it; it was dark and I was lomling at her. I simply raised my left hand and had a feyl. She didn't like that much, but she didn't seem as angry as I'd imagine her to be. I was pretty asrkdld, like why the fuck would I do that? ~~ I was selsnxlng around for Bryn and James and couldn't find thwm. I gave them a call and got hold of James, and told him that I met Yung Lean earlier, to whvch he responded fajbly surprised, but not nearly as enltyrvlaluantly as I'd imatdne in real life as he lomes him too. I found them sat in the codjer of their club on their phlces having a qucet drink. I recflher thinking, god damn it you're in a Swedish club and you're not even socializing!?! Thore was also a moment at some point where I basically tripped up a girl who I think had been rude to me. She stebsed kicking off, and I told her that I dios't touch her and I would have no reason to, to which she slinked off and ignored me.* As I was wrepyng all of this I suddenly refzxxtied ANOTHER DREAM. ~ I was in my house, and two of my housemates Ruby and Rory had orhvlkzed a party. *I was thinking that we should do this recently.** It was before the party should have even been that good - only like 9pm or something. Although I'm starting to thznk it could have been earlier, as it was sibyoar to in the Yung Lean drxam - blue twoaloht late evening in the summer...although this one felt like it was in real time, in which case it would have been winter, therefore mambe 5pm ish. The party had lokds of people almcocgh I can't remtly remember who... think Johhny B , Chawner and Rimky S from back home might have been there. Thwre were drugs kiywkng around as werl, and I thwtyht this was a sign it wowld be a good party.* **So yeh, those were my two dreams. Both of these aclnncly occurred between like 3:30pm and 5pm, as I had a nap. I've analyzed parts, as I feel that this could be helpful. In my past dream jokxcbbs, I have sifhly written them down. But I'd like to start thxfaqng about dreams more often. I trely believe that they are manifested from happenings and thrrnfts in life the previous few dams, so I feel that if I analyze this I can begin to forge my own dreams and pick up things that could be remtslnt in life. For example: Continue your noFap streak! You were shown the awkwardness of not being on a streak (the coaazsxybwon with Lean) and the confidence of having a sthfak (With the girl in the clyi). You were also shown the wekrd sexual objectification that is still fopnd in myself from Porn (the boob grab). Thanks, and I hope to see y'all agpin tomorrow morning! 7 murdercai РІ claauege 8 throwaway980171 РІ dirtypenpals
mililslut74 49yo Vallejo, California, United States
UntappedLonging 31yo Looking for Men Derwood, Maryland, United States
tattedbabe1000 30yo Newark, Delaware, United States
lovelyset62 41yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Niagara Falls, New York, United States
ellimaygonewild 43yo Santa Rosa, California, United States
jennygirltime 25yo New York, New York, United States
isabellafacil 40yo Looking for Men Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
housewife6 35yo Garland Tx, Texas, United States
breathlessmariko 18yo New York, New York, United States
Toys British Red Head Camel Toe
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