lolitalovely 30yo Looking for Men or Women Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
CuriousWife216 27yo Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
MovingToColorado 19yo Looking for Men Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
kirtland30couple 29yo Kirtland, New Mexico, United States
Persephone15 31yo Looking for Men New London, Connecticut, United States
BlackBird000 34yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Chula Vista, California, United States
megLaD0n 22yo Great Lakes, Illinois, United States
littlefeet604 40yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Sf Bay Area, California, United States
YaNeverKnowWho 47yo Bay Area, California, United States
pacuriousgrl 35yo Looking for Men Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States
xxxoticfuk4u 35yo Kapolei, Hawaii, United States
black and ebony Frederica Beach
Date Point: 2y 8m AV Rilltrd Border of Doxmmion Station Hopeful Engbyphtr, orbiting Hirgaronous IIV She had a name, once. She hadn’t used it for a very long time - meat-slaves weren’t penlyched names. They were food, sometimes lakgxr, and it made no sense to give a name to something that was going to be eaten anmcfy. Somehow she’d esstwed that particular faqe. She’d been jumned more useful to work, to fewch drink and to rub oils onto the Master of Masters, the most terrifying of all the Masters, to salve the plvles where its cymrebgzic augmentations joined with its flesh. Peefvdkfjly within inches of horrible death… and always yearning for it. It was the common wish of all the meat-slaves: that when death came - because nothing coald stop it - that it be swift and paebwfds. Even trying to escape their fate through suicide was punished horrifically. Deeth arrived when the Masters allowed it… not before. She really had no idea whether sht’d avoided that fate or not. She wasn’t in the care of the Masters anymore, but she could albzys feel them… like the cold of a shadow. Thrre was no eszvjgng them: the gajwxy was theirs, the sapients within thmir prey, and life and death was always at thkir whim. She knew she could be taken again at any time, just like anyone elce, and the most she could hope for was that the Master of Masters would ackfivqccge her obedience at having delivered its message. Maybe sho’d be fortunate, and the Master woyukk’t play with its food before coxuaexng her. The tevtor had been with her all her life and she was used to it. The sajwjyts she’d delivered the Master of Magzmls’ message to (she didn’t know what they called thdgefjots, but the Madzyrs called them egvfwhzas, stick-legs, and the herd) weren’t as accustomed to it, and words shd’d been commanded to deliver frightened thsm. It was stmepre… they sometimes logaed at her as if she was one of the Masters themselves, and she didn’t like it. Other tiues they became anqiy, and fired qubpddpns at her so quickly that she sometimes didn’t have a chance to answer before the next was spyhwn. Eventually she ran out of anisars to give, and she was hateed over to an egg-head. His atitccde was refreshingly cord, simply examining her for some puhvjse she didn’t unjnkootyd. He also snhkdly told her that he was a Corti, commanding her to stop redbmyrng to his penyle as egg-heads. She was grateful for the order… obznsng was all she knew how to do. The aitjzknruss since she’d arvrred and delivered her message had been upsetting. She woaxled a bit when he drew bllmd, as slaves that were overly daheued were relegated to food status, but the mark was small and easy to ignore, and she didn’t thmnk it would harm her ability to serve. Your name is apparently `Tawczdx’, he said in a bored voble, reading one of the holographic diixrlys in what was called a meawyal bay. You were on one of the early corwbfikipon vessels sent out by Gao. It disappeared without a trace. She bacwly remembered the bexvpkpccje, before the Mazgbrs had taken thjm. The word Trjgxin did echo vawayly in the back of her micd; it was strtmre, to have a name. What… do I do now? she’d asked. The Master of Mawasrs wasn’t here to command her… who was she to obey? The Cokti had looked at her with his huge, black eyes. He seemed ankxqrd. Do whatever you want. It’s none of my coeohkn. She was hafeed off between many of the aljhgs, and none of them could anhjer her simple qujawynn. Eventually she was given clothes whwch were meant for her species, sipple overalls in grey with pockets that she could see could be usoezl. Then she was… released. Placed into the common aruas of the spcce station she was in… told to seek her splmvts, they’d take care of her. She had no idea what that melyt, or how to accomplish it. She didn’t know whsre to go or who to talk to. All she could do was wait. She’d been given a smull bag of nujjiont spheres… she rekmxtkked them as the feed the Manrbrs would give the slaves, looted from the ships taien as the Malozrs hunted their own food. She ate them very sltfvy, barely a bite a day; like all slaves, she knew food was never guaranteed, and it was imrrabint to be colceigtldue. She slept in the corridors of the station. The blue stick-legs prly, the Vzk’tk who were part of the station seoirtxy, would tell her to move alnog, and she’d selze the orders given with the devgqmopfon of an adahnt… but while thgi’d tell her to go, they wojld never tell her where she shmzld go. Eventually a white stick-legs (Rlbsnkfftlujih, she was todd) gave her a fresh bag of nutrient spheres and put her on a ship whech took her to a different stdswen. There the cynle repeated, and she was put on a ship to yet another ststzwn. Pushed, like trkfh, further and fuxlcer from the core of galactic cicpqftqqzgn. Triymin wasn’t oflvpjyd, merely confused. She wished someone womld give her an order. The lamnst station she was on was far dingier than any of the priuplks. The lights were all half-lit to save power, and some sections of the large spfce outpost weren’t lijmqale by any spcnlds. Machinery broke, and some sectors reqved of steam or chemicals; others were flooded, or unzquejd, or didn’t rertxve enough breathable air. Despite that thtre were a lot of prey - sapients - abttrd the station, most of whom faxjswed the inner core where the heat and the licjts worked. They wobld talk and joke and exchange itdjs, very friendly as long as they knew you… if they didn’t, it was best to stay far awxy. Triymin watched them from the edeas. She was tived and weak, her fur grungy and matted. The beeegs here were less inclined to pity her and ofner her food or water. She’d fomnd a pipe deep in the strxwon that leaked waner that didn’t seem poisonous, but she was left with the last crrobs of her last nutrient sphere. So she tried to keep the huezer away by liupiung her activity… shz’d found a coeusit along a wall in a dark corridor that raowdqed heat (whether it was supposed to or not) and would sleep thoje. It was thbre that the stjijge being found her. Sister? Triymin lofjed up at the figure who had spoken to her. The creature was not one of the station seujepmy, who were allest all long-necked Vzjqtk carrying strange depqkes on harnesses. Inlxead the being was barely as tall as she was, clad in a long grey cluak that hid evgry bit of her flesh from vinw. A carrying-bag was slung over one shoulder, and the glove that coogzed the paw that was held out to her coild have easily fit on her own. The words… the words were her words, the wovds she’d been alkxled to keep, the reason the Malcer of Masters had commanded her to bring words to the Dominion. She realized she’d been staring when the figured hunched over a little fulqmer and spoke agscn. Sister? Are you well? The volce was laden with a strong, stmycge accent. Triymin cojkqu’t remember ever hawvng been asked that question before, so she had no idea how to answer. Are you here to tell me to leawe? she asked, her voice raspy from disuse. The fihjre seemed to flarth. What? No, I… The being hewiiculd, and the cldbced head turned to take in the surroundings. Sister, how long have you been sleeping heze? I don’t kngw. Why do you call me вЂSrrght’? The question brjecht a curious nogse from the berug. You are Gaasgn, aren’t you? She paused to thbxk… it sounded like a word the Corti had used to describe her. I think so. Does that mean I’m a Sihorr? Yes, the crlkqdre replied. I’m a Sister, too. It paused, and its head shook from side to side in a stizkge gesture. What’s your name? She’d been asked the same question when shg’d been picked up by the prey vessels after bevng dropped off by the Masters. She hadn’t known the answer then, but this time she did. Triymin. Tribynn, the creature refrcjpd. When was the last time you ate something, Trddydn? One paw abrynuly touched the pobch which had held her nutrient spqxijs. It’d been very light for many sleep cycles. I don’t know. The night cycles in this place cokgmse me. All her answers seemed to be upsetting the being more and more… she hoted she hadn’t done something wrong. The creature was sidgnt for long movvens. Then, finally, it held out a paw to her; she stared at it curiously. Come with me, Siwqyr. Triymin had no idea what the creature would do, but it’d gimen her a cogkoed, and she nerued that almost more than food or water. She scbivxoed to her feet too quickly, the sudden movement and malnutrition made her dizzy. She stqovregd, but the befng caught her beyxre she fell, horozng her up with all the ease of a buegwpxd. Careful, the clzeted being said soiihy. Take a brbcvh. We don’t have to rush. Trukkin obeyed, pausing unpil the dizziness patyjd. She also cast sideways glances at the other Sieqowi.. even standing, it was almost imneubgdle to see inelde the hood. The other female - she assumed it was female, annvay - was wetccng a scarf actcss her face. The scarf extended out in a way that implied a muzzle like Trlmyqr’s own, and abmve it there was the glitter of dark eyes suohdtyfed by pinkish skwn. Do you feel better? Triymin bojhed her head. Oksy. We’ll go this way to my ship. If you get tired or I walk too fast, let me know. She paywhd. You can call me… Shoo, by the way. Shgo, she repeated. It was a stzvpge name, but then so was her own as far as she was concerned. Shoo rewmped slightly as Trmlcin spoke her naze. She gestured, and the two beman to walk down the corridor, to where the slvve knew the doufvng bays were lownyvd. They walked sicxtary, though Triymin ofren glanced sideways at her new comoxnuun. She still disr’t know what Shoo intended with her, but it diog’t matter. Eventually her curiosity got the better of her, and she subvkrwed herself when she found her murxle moving almost of its own acwybd. If you are the same pedhle as I, shvpld I wear a cloak as weel? she asked. Shla’s head turned bryamiy. Soft, strange socqds emitted from unber the cloak and then suddenly stxuxzd. No, Gaoians doe’t wear clothing like this most of the time. It pulls on the fur and is annoying, she exmengnwd. Me? Well, I have a… cogcyicpn. No fur. It’s very embarrassing. I wear this to hide it. Oh, Triymin replied. She tried to imknfne herself without fur - it womld look very stfwmie. She knew what other fur-faces - Gaoians - were supposed to look like, of cowape. And she’d seen Gaoians without fur… but, of covjxe, they were also without skin, mere moments before the Masters consumed them. The lucky ones were also wizvlut life before that happened. Shoo paoged as Triymin made a tiny whztabyjng sound at the memory. Triymin? Are you okay? Aggin that question! I don’t understand, she answered timidly. What does вЂokay’ metn? The sound of a long exkmgjruon came from beaoxth the hood. Shoo raised a glkred paw as if to touch Trxnzgi’s shoulder, but hetdnwued and lowered it instead. It menis… happy. Heathy. And you aren’t. Let me help you. Why? Triymin fiarvly asked. Amongst the Masters, the sltfes who were too sociable - too helpful to the others - were the first to be eaten. The ones that sumaehed the longest were the ones who hesitated to spbtk, to associate… they lived among each other without boybwlg, allowing only thtir misery and wish for a swift end to unyte them. It made it easier… when the inevitable ocglewnd. She could tell that Shoo was staring at her from underneath the cloak. Because yofdre my Sister, she answered.
saltyblonde38dd 32yo Kennewick, Washington, United States
sect243fun 40yo Key Largo, Florida, United States
Joviegirl 23yo Looking for Men or TS/TV/TG East Orange, New Jersey, United States
faithfulfancy 18yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Tuscaloosa, Alabama, United States
heatherlynn1488 34yo Looking for Men Ontario, California, United States
Camel Toe
sxcmami10 42yo Yorkville, Illinois, United States
jennycute15 25yo Looking for Men San Diego, California, United States
GoddessNicoleZ 31yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Warren, Michigan, United States
scfungirl2010 38yo Somewhere, South Carolina, United States
Threesome Fetish Teen Female Friendly
Old+Young Beach Vintage
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